Prime Robotics(奥唐智能科技)是一家具有全球视野和布局的机器人研发、生产和销售企业。公司在中国和美国均设有子公司。公司的客户多为欧洲、美国、澳大利亚等发达国家的大型仓储物流企业,高端的市场定位有助于帮助公司实现可观的销售规模及利润。十几年的业务运营塑造了公司专业、严谨、创新的外部形象。目前,公司正在致力于研发和升级现有机器人,并于2018年新建了深圳研发中心,公司正在广纳英才,如果您有长远的眼光、有对新科技的热诚、有实实在在的专业技术,欢迎您加入Prime!
Prime Robotics is a robotic team with a global perspective and layout. Currently there are branches in China and the United States. The international R&D team is dedicated to the upgrade of the first generation of robots and the second generation of research and development. The high positioning of the large warehousing and logistics industry in Europe, America and Australia determines its considerable sales scale and profit margin. More than ten years of business foundation has formed a professional, rigorous and innovative team spirit. T